PRIMA - 2012

Section: Dissemination

Invited Presentations

  • Sabine Coquillart: First-person Visuo-haptic Environment - From Research to Applications, VISIGRAPP‰¥ú2012, Rome, Italy, February 2012.

  • Sabine Coquillart: Multimodal Virtual Environment: from Research to Applications, ISVC‰¥ú2012, Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, July 2012.

  • Sabine Coquillart: Augmented Reality: State of the Art and Perspectives, Sharesight, Paris, December 2012.

  • Thierry Fraichard, Will the driver seat ever be empty?, LAAS Lab., Toulouse (FR), Dec. 2012.

  • Thierry Fraichard, The Difficulty of Safely Navigating Dynamic Environments, Ben Gurion Univ., Be'er Sheva (IL), Dec. 2012.

  • James Crowley, Perception for Social Interaction, Seminar de SFR Pole Cognition, Grenoble, 31 May 2012

  • James Crowley, A Cognitive Architecture for Situation Awareness, German-French Workshop on Perspectives on Cognitive Interaction and Technology, Beilefeld, Germany 4 - 6 June 2012

  • James Crowley, Intelligence Ambiante et l'Innovation Factory d'AmiQual4Home, Lundis de l'Innovation, SFR InnoVacs, 5 Nov 2012.

  • James Crowley, Intelligence Ambiante : Invasion Pprogressive de l'Informatique, InnoFond Seminar, Paris 29 November 2012.

  • James Crowley, Visual Recognition of Human Activity, in Dagstuhl seminar on Human Activity Recognition in Smart Environments, 3-7 Dec 2012